Tuesday 28 August 2012

Is is best for an ex to become somebody that you used to know?...

Just wanted to share this.

It is something that has crossed my mind a lot and even after discovering the post by A CUP OF JO I am still stuck. 

Do you stay friends with an ex or not? Do you even try to stay in contact, even if it's a "Hi, how are things?" every now again?

Do you even bother or is the best thing to just let them go and both get on with your lives without them?
If someone has been such a big part of your life so so long it's obviously going to be hard to let them go so easily, so is no contact better than some or a lot of contact?
When life hands you this problem, what do you do?

This song popped into my head.

Is is best for an ex to become somebody that you used to know?...

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